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Culture & HeritageMuslim Personalities

Mohammed Abdul Bakeer Markar : By : former Attorney General SHIBLY AZIZ PC


As a fellow lawyer, it is indeed my privilege to say a few words about a senior and illustrious figure in the legal profession who in his time adorned the legal and political portals with equal felicity and acceptance. Deshamanya Mohammed Abdul Bakeer Markar, born in 1917, was a devoted and practicing Muslim, much loved by the Sinhalese and treated with respect and affection as one of their own. This was the measure of the distinct honour bestowed on this esteemed gentleman. This epitomized the popularity of this humble son of Sri Lanka who would have indeed been a role model for us to follow in these difficult times. It is indeed a source of gratification to us that his son, Imtihiaz, who has also followed in his footsteps in the twin professions that the father chose, is showing the same qualities of fellow feeling and love for all Sri Lankans drawn from the different communities.

Bakeer Markar Snr. was the first Member of Parliament to represent the Beruwela constituency in March 1960 and was Member of Parliament for Beruwela from April 1965 to March 1970. He was Deputy Speaker of Parliament from August 1977 to September 1978, from which he rose to be Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka from September 1978 to August 1983, a singular honour for a Muslim. His political laurels did not rest there: Bakeer Markar went on to be a minister from 1983 to 1988 and throughout his life continued to remain a bridge of peace between the Sinhalese and Muslim communities.

Educated at Zahira College, Maradana, he began his legal career at the Sri Lanka Law College in 1940. Unfortunately, this was interrupted during World War II when he was compelled to take up duties in the Civil Defence Services. When he returned to law, he had an extremely lucrative practice and went on to become President of the Kalutara District Bar Association of Sri Lanka. He was the founder President of the All Ceylon Union Muslim League Youth Fronts and additionally, was also awarded the Vice Presidency of the All Ceylon Muslim League. Subsequently, he became Chairman of the Beruwela Maradana Mosque Jamaath and discharged each and every one of these duties with equal aplomb.

Bakeer Markar was internationally renowned and countries in the Middle East and Far East held him in high esteem as he proved to be a great Ambassador of goodwill for Sri Lanka. He went on to excel in international relations and established close connections with the Iraqi Government. Through this connection, he built an entire village in Eravur, in the eastern part of the island. He was the founder President of the Iraq-Sri Lanka Friendship Association and remained in that position until his demise. He was fortunate that he did not witness the dismemberment of Iraq which would have grieved him immensely.
He hailed from Maradana, Beruwala, and, as historically revealed, the early Arabs who arrived in Ceylon (Sailan) built the first ever Mosque in Ceylon, Masjid-Ul-Abrar. Markar took great pains to renovate Masjid-Ul-Abrar with the help of his village Jamaath. In doing so, he was careful in preserving the shape of the original architecture of the mosque.

Due to the perseverance and study he put into his practice of the law, he had clients both Sinhalese and Muslims flocking to him. Legends are many of the several instances where he appeared for Sinhalese clients in cases filed against persons of his own community, thereby following astutely the commandment in the Holy Quran that one must 'stand up for justice' even against one's own kith and kin. Like it is said, he never wavered from the courage of his own convictions.

Markar unerringly followed in the footsteps of his political guru, the late Al-Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah, and blossomed into one of Sri Lanka's most senior and well respected politicians. He displayed the wisdom which our leaders of yore possessed in good measure: to give wise and mature leadership to the community without fracturing the delicate relationships which had been built up for over 1,000 years among the Sinhala and the Muslims.
In our constitutional history, he has a very special place — the only Speaker of Parliament who has acted for the Head of Government and Head of State.

Honesty and sincerity were his strengths. His singular vision on both national and personal levels was to serve his country and he fulfilled this with true commitment. He will be remembered always as one of the great statesmen of our time.
Today, the Bakeer Markar Centre for National Unity, an organization that promotes the vision of the late Deshamanya M. A. Bakeer Markar continues to uphold and sustain that vision.
May Almighty Allah grant him Jennathul Firdouse – Aameen!

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