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Muslims Of Sri Lanka: Avenues To Antiquity (M. A. M. Shukri)

Muslims Of Sri Lanka: Avenues To Antiquity (M. A. M. Shukri)

Publication date
Islam, Muslims, Sri Lanka, History, Moors, Tamils, Malays, Bohras, Muslim Community

“Why does not a patriotic member of the large community of Moors in Ceylon write an accurate and comprehensive history of his community? … The work involves a good deal of patient research, keen interest and cool judgement, but the end will repay the labour devoted to it. There is need of an authentic history; there is plenty of material available; and the story is of romantic as well as of historical interest.” That was the solici- tous observation made nearly thirty five years ago by the historian L.E.  Blaze.

This volume is based on the studied presentation of dissertations mostly by academics, pertaining to the Muslims of Sri Lanka. These incisive and illuminating research monographs, results of painstaking effort, were in fact, presented at the Cross-Cultural Seminar/Workshop, held on the theme ‘Muslim Minorities of South and South East Asia’ in January 1984, under the aegis of the Naleemiah Institute of Islamic Studies. The Seminar itself was organized by the Naleemiah Institute of Islamic Research (NIIR) — an allied agency of the above Society — in collaboration with the Inter- national Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) and was held at the Jamiah Naleemiah, at Beruwela, in Sri Lanka.

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